Franklin For President

Ben Franklin is Back!!!

Thanks to IMPOSSIBLE science, Ben Franklin has been resurrected!

He realized that his historical legacy has been grossly misunderstood and misrepresented.

So, he is going to re-educate America through satire and music.



Ben Franklin knew that Democracy only works when the people are informed and educated. It ensures the right people are in power and held accountable and it also empowers the population to improve their own economic standing. His Library, Newspaper, and Academy are all examples of his desire to educate the masses. Now his focus is on highlighting the country’s history to ensure the same mistakes are not repeated.



Ben Franklin was a savvy businessman who knew that he needed to entertain his customers in order to get them interested in his writings. In the colonial period, Young Ben’s newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, had been a source of both information and humor. He would write poems and ridicule the news that he was presenting. Now he is using the same comic formula to teach citizens about their history and government.



In the modern times, the idea of what encapsulates the “American Spirit” has been debated and fought over by multiple factions within the population. Part of this is due to an outdated vision of the Founding generation and, most specifically, Ben Franklin. by focusing on his early years, the masses will find a personality that they can connect with and feel empowered to ignite change in the modern day. After all, what would Ben Franklin do?

What I do…



Philly O.G. Tour Company

Walk around the most historic square mile in the U.S. with the award-winning Philly Official Guide Tour Company. Using engaging personalities and stories as well as a rap - or five - this tour company will make you realize how much you did not know about our founding generation.


It’s pretty stupid to give people the right to vote if you are not going to educate them.

-Young Ben Franklin


The Autobiography of Ben Franklin (Translated)

The story of Ben Franklin, as told by Ben Franklin, not only shaped the character that we know in history textbooks, but the character of the nation as well. But due to the complexity of language, it deters many citizens from reading it. So it has been re-written in modern-day language in order to ensure that the values and lessons are passed down to the new generation.


Thoughts and Writings

Since Ben Franklin has come back to life in the modern age, he has a lot of thoughts about a variety of topics. So he has crafted a blog in order to exercise his over-active brain and make sense of the world… and make fun of it as well.

Educational stuff…

If history doesn’t repeat, it sure as shit rhymes…

—Young Ben Franklin


Franklin University

Franklin University is the education production arm of Franklin for President. Through satirical blogs, thoughtful/engaging curriculum, and music production, FU will change how you look at school content.


Vocabulary Mixtape

When he was young, Ben Franklin taught himself how to write by re-writing political essays into poetry. It helped improve his voice, his flow and rhythm, as well as his vocabulary usage. Now he has continued that tradition by writing songs using SAT-level vocabulary in order to provide an entertaining way of memorizing words.

The Bill of Rights Mixtape

The Bill of Rights is essentially America’s “10 Commandments”. They are often cited during political debates and are generally treated with reverence by those involved within the debates. And, as is common with human nature, these foundational pillars are weaponized by people with little understanding of the actual historical context that these rights were established upon.

So let’s take, shall we?


The Rap Album

A historical “Hip-Hopera” narrating the life of Benjamin Franklin from young rebel to businessman, leader, and legend. Using music influenced and inspired by classical music and classic rap, the story of Ben Franklin is brought to life with satirical flair.

Make a donation.

We appreciate your support in helping to establish Franklin for President as a force for Progressive education! You can rest assured that 100% of the donations will go towards educational projects.
