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In order to provide the best quality educational resources, I am often required to hire artists, musicians, and other creatives to produce my work. Please help me build up my ability to continue presenting entertaining content by donating today.

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Franklin University

Providing entertaining content and thoughtful curriculum to engage citizens - both students and adults - in modern history and civics lessons..

Table of Contents


In the curriculum section, you will find lessons based on the Common Core standards in Social Studies and Language Arts. This includes lessons analyzing hip-hop songs, the Franklin Album, satire and more!

Vocabulary Mixtape

In this section you will be able to find lyrics to all of the individual songs from the mixtape. The SAT-level words will be highlighted in bold.


In this section you will find articles, both serious and satirical, reflecting on modern society. These serve the dual purpose of providing thoughtful reflection for casual readers and supplemental resources that can be incorporated into class curriculums.

Autobiography Translated

In this section, you will have access to the first 6 chapters of the translated autobiography as well as several other translated writings of Benjamin Franklin