Learn the Bill of Rights in less than 15 minutes
Project Overview
When I was a young apprentice in Boston, I taught myself how to write by converting prose essays into poetry. It helped me better understand the content by having to break the elaborate ideas into simple, concise phrases. This, in turn, helped me better memorize the ideas.
Because of that, I figured I would prove the effectiveness of my approach by demonstrating with the Bill of Rights.
After all, the Bill of Rights is essentially America’s “10 Commandments”. They are often cited during political debates and are generally treated with reverence by those involved within the debates. And, as is common with human nature, these foundational points are weaponized with little understanding of the actual historical context that these rights were established upon.
So let’s take a look at these first ten amendments and get some better understanding of our principles, shall we?
If you see below, you can click on any of the Amendments. They will lead you to a page that will include:
Lyrics to the rap I created for the amendment
A video of me performing it
A brief essay discussing its relevance in current society
I hope you enjoy!
The Amendments
The Introduction
About the project
The 1st Amendment
Religion and Expression
The 2nd Amendment
Bearing Arms
The 3rd Amendment
Quartering Soldiers
The 4th Amendment
Search and Seizure
The 5th Amendment
Rights of Persons
The 6th Amendment
Rights of The Accused
The 7th and 8th Amendments
Civil Trials and Criminal Cases
The 9th Amendment
Unenumerated Rights
The 10th Amendment
Reserved Powers
The Conclusion
Tying it all together